Pre-sale Questions
Am I tied by a contract when I sign up to the Mend my Back Program?
No. The time and financial commitment depend on the program you choose. The prices are a one-time fee for the Lifestyle Foundations and Essentials programs. Our flagship program, Mend My Back conditioning, is offer through a monthly membership access.
None of our programs require a minimum commitment.
I cannot find the receipt for my purchases. Can you send me a copy?
To retrieve the receipt(s) for your purchase(s) simply click the link below. It will send you to a page with our Globessence logo where:
- you will be prompt to enter the email address link to your Mend My Back Program account,
- keep an eye on your inbox. You will receive a email with a unique link. Click the link
- once you are redirected to your account page you will have access to a host of information including your purchase history and receipts.
Program Safety
Is the program safe?
Each module offers a progression in intensity and complexity of movement patterns to improve the mobility and stability around the main joints, tissues and muscles that affect the spine which include the shoulders and hips.
Not all movements or exercises are appropriate for every body type or current condition. When done properly all exercises are safe and effective. However, depending on the severity of your back condition, general health and conditioning level certain exercises will be more appropriate than others at times.
We always recommend assessing your situation with your physician before engaging in any new form of physical activity.
Should exercises be painful?
First off pain is a subjective concept. We can agree to obvious actions generating pain, but some people tolerate pain more easily than others. That being said, the idea that exercises should be painful otherwise there are no benefits to reap isn't true. In fact, you will see in the program that there are lots of exercises that are challenging without generating pain. You may feel discomfort the following day or within 48 hours and if that's the case you may need a little time to recover and/or consider trying different exercises. It may also stem from how you perform the exercise. Body movement is subtle. Slight variations in the movement can change the outcome. Be very attentive to how Laura explains the different exercises to increase the payback and avoid unwanted discomfort.
We stick to green light exercises for most of the program (see below).
Light color | Sensation | Action to take |
| GO! Keep going. After some time you might consider moving forward to another exercise or to the following module if the exercise mix is performed comfortably and with control. | |
| Go slowly and keep breathing! Proceed mindfully and with caution | |
| STOP! Avoid the exercise or seek a smoother progression. |
Is there a way for me to assess, measure and track what works for me and what doesn't?
Since everyone has different abilities and thresholds, we rely on a measuring method using green, yellow, and red colors as outlined below.
Green light movements: Means “GO”, the movements do not provoke pain, they feel good and offer a sensation of stretching and engagement of your muscles. Your breathing remains smooth and deep.
Yellow light movements: Means proceed with caution, movements do not provoke pain or disrupt a smooth breathing pattern, they may feel a bit intense, shaky or provide slight discomfort in the joints or tissues. Go slowly and keep breathing.
Red light movements: Means “STOP”, these movements provoke pain, a burning sensation, a jabbing or sharp feeling in your back or nerve radiation, makes you hold your breath. Your body may not be ready for this movement yet, stick with the green and yellow light movements for now.
About the Programs
What is the difference between the Mend my Back Conditioning Program, Essentials and Lifestyle Programs?
They all provide resources on back health. The Mend my Back Conditioning Program, the most comprehensive of the three, provides a wide variety of exercises and mini-routines you will want to integrate into your day to reduce tension, increase your flexibility and stability to keep your body mobile and strong.
The Mend my Back Essentials Program is an abbreviated version of the Conditioning program. You will find information on basic spinal anatomy, a summary of why we have back pain, along with a balance of our top 10 exercises targeting a more supple, stronger back. We have included the soothing foundational postures to practice when dealing with intense discomfort that are also available in the Conditioning Program.
The Mend my Back Lifestyle Foundations Program focuses primarily on daily habits and movement patterns like sitting and standing well, lifting objects off the floor more safely, proper sleep positions, getting in and out of the car along with other healthy lifestyle tips to improve and care for your back health. The content in this program is unique to Lifestyle Foundations and is therefore not revisited in either of the two other programs.
The three programs work well on their own, but ideally complement one another. If you wish to start with one of the programs and are not sure which one to chose have a look at the Mend My Back Programs comparison Table.
How do I start?
Refer to the How to use MMB chart here below. As you work your way through the program, you will discover exercises that feel good and make a difference in your well-being. You may want to go back and forth between one or all the modules once you have worked through them over a period of several months. We recommend taking at least a month to practice each one. Choose exercises to do daily, or at minimum 3 times per week to feel the benefits. Don't rush! Proper progression is the key to allowing your body to adapt and improve safely and effectively.
Pain Level | Pain Description | What MMB Module/Tool to Use | Suggested Repetitions | Time Frame |
8, 9, 10 | High level of pain regardless of position or movement | Crisis pose, rest, calming breathing exercise, meditation for your back, ice, anti-inflammatories (as per physician recommendation), warm bath with epsom salts and 10 drops of lavender essential oil to promote relaxation | n/a | Daily until pain levels drop |
5, 6, 7 | Pain when doing certain movements | BR module 1, green and yellow light exercises (start with less repetitions (4-6) and gradually add 1-2 reps weekly), crisis pose, calming breathing exercise, meditation for your back, gentle walking 5-10 minutes 2x per day, review Lifestyle Foundations tips | 4-10 reps for suggested exercises, 3-6 breaths for stretches | 3-7 days per week for 4 weeks until exercises get easy to do and can be done without pain |
3, 4 | Moderate discomfort in certain positions or movements | BT module 2, green and yellow light exercises (start with less repetitions (4-6) and gradually add 1-2 reps weekly), crisis pose, calming breathing exercise, walking 10-20 minutes 1-2x per day, integrate Lifestyle Foundations tips | 4-10 reps for suggested exercises, 3-6 breaths for stretches | 3-7 days per week for 8 weeks until exercises get easy to do and can be done without pain |
1,2 | Slight discomfort sometimes | BM module 3, (Module 2 is a prerequisite), green and yellow light exercises, go easy on the myofascial massage moves, start with less repetitions (4-6) and gradually add 1-2 reps weekly, walking 20-40 minutes 1x per day, calming breathing exercise | 4-10 reps for suggested exercises, 3-6 breaths for stretches | Suggestion: alternate module exercises one day with option of walking/breathing/meditation the following day |
0 | No pain or discomfort | BA module 4, (Module 2 & 3 are prerequisites), green and yellow light exercises (start with less repetitions (4-6) and gradually add 1-2 reps weekly), walking 20-30 minutes 1-2x per day, calming breathing exercise | 4-10 reps for suggested exercises, 3-6 breaths for stretches | Suggestion: alternate module exercises one day with option of walking/breathing/meditation the following day |
How will I know what works for me?
We encourage you to try the movements and exercises and initially choose the ones that we describe as Green light exercises for the first 2 weeks then progress to others that offer a bit more intensity for the next 2 weeks. Avoid exercises that wake up your pain. It is better to go slowly and gradually; back conditioning is not a race or a competitive sport.
How long will it take me to flow through all the program modules?
We recommend practicing each module 3-7 days per week for at least one full month before progressing to the next module. You will likely find your favorites in each program and create your own plan of the ones that make you feel great.